January 23, 2019 – Equine Land Conservation Resource (ELCR) is pleased to announce several new articles that are now available in our website library, covering a variety of topics that are of interest to individuals, horsemen and women, and communities as efforts are made to protect, create, enhance and maintain the lands, facilities and trails that are critical to all equine activities.
“A Look at Backyard Horsekeeping” looks at aspects of and regulations for keeping horses on small farms and residential properties. Zoning regulations and availability of equine services and supplies, assessing a property for horse-keeping and best management practices (BMPs) to employ are covered. The also article explores many of the backyard horse communities in the US, looking at the zoning, facilities and trails that help to support equestrian activities. https://elcr.org/a-look-at-backyard-horse-keeping/.
“Working with Parks for Equine Access – Master Plan” is in two parts. Part 1, “Master Plan”, describes the reasons for and process of creating a master plan for a municipal park, and the advocacy role that the equine community must play. Part 2, “Master Plan Illustrations” is a tour of equestrian-based master plans in communities around the US. Produced by experienced designers, community planners and parks personnel with public input, the illustrations look at master plans for equine centers and facilities. https://elcr.org/working-with-parks-for-equine-access-master-plan-part-1/ and https://elcr.org/working-with-parks-for-equine-access-master-plan-illustrations-part-2/
“Equine Land Advocacy – A Best Practice for Equine Access” explores the issues that arise to threaten the equestrian way of life, looking at opportunities to partner with local and state government agencies, conservancies, land trusts and other organizations to work toward resolving land, facility and trail issues in your local community with a positive outcome. https://elcr.org/equine-land-advocacy-a-best-practice-for-equine-access/
About the Equine Land Conservation Resource (ELCR): ELCR builds awareness of the loss of lands available for horse-related activities and facilitates the protection and conservation of those lands working to ensure America’s equine heritage lives on and the emotional, physical and economic benefits of the horse-human relationship remains accessible. ELCR serves as an information resource and clearinghouse on conserving horse properties, land use planning, land stewardship/best management practices, trails, liability and equine economic impact. For more information about the ELCR visit www.elcr.org or call (859) 455-8383.